The Concept:
The Claustrum reflects an inner, lullably space in which our subconscious reflects hidden vices, some conscious, other subconscious forms, is a hybrid mix of facts, nihilist thoughts, and morbid desires that society handles through various laws, rules, or prohibitions to suppress the outbreak of these events. The prototype of the perfect human does not have its place here, but only our many personalities that come out to the outside, reflected by modes of behavior, expression or brutal gestures.The timeless space inserts and records every act that takes place in this repertoire of infinite scenes, supporting this burden through its own system based on external memory, is conceived as an extension of our mental creation capacity but the moment of the birth it doesn't known to us, like a recessed twin in our being, appearing as a place of refuge to manifest ourselves naturally; in reality, he registers his film for each frame, analyzes it, if necessary, gives a replay or applies the slow-motion setting to analyze each reaction considered negative, perceived as indecent or immoral. In fact, his purpose is to compare the reactions encapsulated by us there (we regard the claustrum as a safe, protective space) with those that the society educated us to adopt to become incorruptible, common and flattened by nonconformist gestures, we can speak here even with one's own individuality.The claustrum reacts to our manifestations by correcting them with camouflaged reprimands in forms like the unconscious. The trance that creates it makes us abhor our primitive and physiological actions, hate what we have become and the fact that we have adopted vices promoted as harmful, toxic or inhumane, it masks them to understand that they are in fact perfectly in concordance with which means human nature - abstract but compact, contradictory and spontaneous.How can we stop this mechanism more powerful than that of the perfect society that causes us internal cracks and the persistence of the concept of retouching our character? The finnality is morbid but realistic, as any form of exorcism that leads to purification, we must crush this created system, the claustrum must be enlightened, and this ultimate goal can only be accomplished by redirecting our insecurity to the vices possessed in a self-a manifestation on the face. The claustrum corners will crack without realizing this fact, a final act that will attach this vice to a new category of manifestations reproduced on the stage of society, the undecided to perceive the "wrong" as faulty specimens. This last act will not end the endless series of manifestations, but will succeed in transferring from one plane to another, just another cyclical stage of our individualization which will ease the memory of the claustrum into a repertoire of many others.
The Concept:
The Claustrum reflects an inner, lullably space in which our subconscious reflects hidden vices, some conscious, other subconscious forms, is a hybrid mix of facts, nihilist thoughts, and morbid desires that society handles through various laws, rules, or prohibitions to suppress the outbreak of these events. The prototype of the perfect human does not have its place here, but only our many personalities that come out to the outside, reflected by modes of behavior, expression or brutal gestures.The timeless space inserts and records every act that takes place in this repertoire of infinite scenes, supporting this burden through its own system based on external memory, is conceived as an extension of our mental creation capacity but the moment of the birth it doesn't known to us, like a recessed twin in our being, appearing as a place of refuge to manifest ourselves naturally; in reality, he registers his film for each frame, analyzes it, if necessary, gives a replay or applies the slow-motion setting to analyze each reaction considered negative, perceived as indecent or immoral. In fact, his purpose is to compare the reactions encapsulated by us there (we regard the claustrum as a safe, protective space) with those that the society educated us to adopt to become incorruptible, common and flattened by nonconformist gestures, we can speak here even with one's own individuality.The claustrum reacts to our manifestations by correcting them with camouflaged reprimands in forms like the unconscious. The trance that creates it makes us abhor our primitive and physiological actions, hate what we have become and the fact that we have adopted vices promoted as harmful, toxic or inhumane, it masks them to understand that they are in fact perfectly in concordance with which means human nature - abstract but compact, contradictory and spontaneous.How can we stop this mechanism more powerful than that of the perfect society that causes us internal cracks and the persistence of the concept of retouching our character? The finnality is morbid but realistic, as any form of exorcism that leads to purification, we must crush this created system, the claustrum must be enlightened, and this ultimate goal can only be accomplished by redirecting our insecurity to the vices possessed in a self-a manifestation on the face. The claustrum corners will crack without realizing this fact, a final act that will attach this vice to a new category of manifestations reproduced on the stage of society, the undecided to perceive the "wrong" as faulty specimens. This last act will not end the endless series of manifestations, but will succeed in transferring from one plane to another, just another cyclical stage of our individualization which will ease the memory of the claustrum into a repertoire of many others.
Claustrum reflectă un spațiu interior, lugubru, în care subconștientul
nostru își reflectă viciile ascunse, unele formate de conștient , alte de
subconștient;este un amestec hibrid de
fapte, gânduri nihiliste și dorințe morbide pe care societatea le încătușează
prin diverse legi ,reguli sau interdicții pentru a reprima ieșirea acestor
manifestări. Prototipul omului perfect
nu își are locul aici ci doar multiplele noastre personalități care ies la
exterior, reflectate prin moduri de comportament, de exprimare sau gesturi
Spațiul atemporal își inserează și înregistrează fiecare act care are
loc în acest repertoriu de scene infinite, suportând această povară printr-un propriu sistem bazat pe o memorie externă,
este conceput ca o extensie a
capacității noastre de creeare în plan mental dar momentul nașterii acestuia nu
ne este cunoscut, asemeni unui geamăn încastrat în ființa noastră, aparut ca un
loc de refugiu pentru a ne manifesta natural; în realitatea acesta își
înregistrează filmul fiecarui cadrul ,îl analizează, dacă este necesar își dă
un replay sau aplică setarea slow-motion pentru a putea analiza fiecare reacție
considerată negativă, percepută ca fiind
indecentă sau imorala. În realitate scopul său este de a compara reacțiile
încapsulate de noi acolo ( noi considerând claustrum un spațiu sigur
,protector) cu cele pe care societatea ne-a educat să le adoptăm pentru a
deveni mașinării necoruptibile, comune și aplatizate de gesturi neconformiste, putem
vorbi aici chiar și de o individualitatea proprie.
Claustrum reactionează manifestăriilor
noastre corectându-le prin mustrări camuflate sub forme asemeni
inconștientului. Transa care o creează ne face să ne detestăm pentru acțiuniile
noastre primitive și fiziologice, să
urâm ceea ce am devenit și faptul
că am adoptat vicii promovate ca fiind nocive, toxice sau inumane , el
maschează să întelegem că acestea sunt de fapt
în perfectă concordantă cu ceea ce înseamnă firea umana- abstractă dar
compactă , contradictorie și spontană.
Ca urmare cum putem opri acest mecanism mai puternic decât cel al
societății perfecte care ne provoacă
fisuri interne și persistența concepției de retușare a caracterului nostru , de
epurare? Finalitatea este una morbidă
dar realist , ca și orice formă de exorcizare care duce la purificare, noi
trebuie sa strivim acest sistem creat,
claustrum trebuie sa se lumineze și
acest ultim scop nu poate fi indeplinit decât prin redirecționarea nesiguranței noastre față de viciile posedate
într-o manifestare pe față . Colțurile claustrumului se vor fisura fără a conștientiza
acesta fapt , un act final care va anexa acest viciu unei noi categorii de manifestații reproduse pe scena societății
,cea îndoctrinată să îi perceapa pe cei “greșiți”ca specimene defecte . Acest
ultim act nu va încheia nesfârșitul șir al manifestăriilor doar va reuși să se
transfere dintr-un plan în altul , doar o altă etapă ciclică a individualizării
noastre care îi va ușura din memoria claustrumului un repertoriu din multe
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